
Today, the international world is still plagued by various global crises such as war and colonialism, ecological destruction, exploitation of nature, climate change, the water crisis, dehumanization, corruption, and law enforcement, abuse of power, poverty, oligarchy, acts of violent extremism in the name of state, religion, ethnicity, even violence in the family, and bullying in education.

Scholars and experts in Islamic studies need to respond to these global problems with multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, and transdisciplinary approaches to contribute to the global crisis. In this context, the Islam in World Perspectives Symposium (IWOS), organized by Ahmad Dahlan University’s Faculty of Islamic Studies, can be a forum for researchers and scholars of Islamic studies to express their ideas.

For this reason, IWOS 2023 raises the theme “Humanitarian Islam”, a concept born from the distinctive tradition of Islam, namely Islam as Rahmatan lil ‘Alamin. Islam teaches universal love and comprehension to provide real goodness (solutions) for the happiness, welfare, and peace of mankind on earth.



Humanitarian Islam: Contribution of Islamic Studies in the Global Crisis


Suggested topics in this sub-theme include, but are not limited to:

  • Humanitarian Islam and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflics
  • Humanitarian Islam and Climate Change
  • Humanitarian Islam and Water Crisis
  • Humanitarian Islam and Disaster Resilience
  • Humanitarian Islam and Human Rights
  • Humanitarian Islam and International Law and Justice
  • Humanitarian Islam and Domestic Violence
  • Humanitarian Islam and Arabic Studies
  • Humanitarian Islam and al-Quran & Hadith Studies
  • Humanitarian Islam and Peace Education
  • Humanitarian Islam and Islamic Economy


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Amrullah :  +62896-1491-8841

Zakaria : +62812-8608-7065